Thursday, July 10, 2008

To be myself

There are many parts of me.
The Yin and the Yang.
The naughty and nice.
As I continue to search out who I am, I am becoming more comfortable with allowing you to see who I really am.

Safety and familiarity is important to me.
Unique things resonate deeply within my spirit.
I have a hard time speaking my truth for the first time.
I am quick to adopt other's quirks, hoping they will like me.

Today, I own my faults and failures.
But I also celebrate my strengths.


Jennifer said...

I love your writing. You are raw and honest. It makes me want to meet you. :) Thank you for writing here.

Anonymous said...

I love you. Show me the naughty and the nice. It is all beautiful, all you. Unique, special, wonderful.