Friday, June 6, 2008

Body Image

I struggle to accept my body - well, not all of my body - just the parts I dislike. My body is the part of me I cannot take off. It is assigned to me. I didn't even get to choose what I wanted to struggle with......
I used to hate my arms. They were wide and thick - now, thanks to lifting weights with a friend, they are firm and considerably smaller.
I dislike my belly. It grows - pooches - expands and then unexplicably shrinks. I can't figure it out. Little, if any of my eating has changed, yet here I am gaining weight. I have to assign this current weight gain to lexapro. Which raises a whole other question: would I rather be depressed or gain weight?


KC said...

These are awesome words friend. I love where you are allowing yourself to go with your words - and your drawings. They speak to all of us. I love you.

re:patrick said...

It's all relative right? Stand on a scale next to me!!! :)

Mind Madam said...

I'm currently trying to wean myself from my antidepressant because of the weight issue. Seems entirely contrary to reason...shouldn't I be gaining weight while depressed by overeating to heal my sorrows? When I feel wonderful thanks to an antidepressant, I don't eat emotionally, and I should lose weight. But no, instead I gain 30 pounds while dieting! Aarrgghh!

Jennifer said...

I absolutely love the drawings. Do you sell them? :)

I love your writing, too.