Thursday, April 3, 2008

Some days it rains.


Is it just the rain?

Cloudy, overcast.

This emotion is deeper, broader, fuller than sadness. There is a descant floating along above the low harmonies resonating in my spirit.

My house is cozy. I love the solitude. There's artwork scattered around in various stages of completion. Creativity only partially finished.

Melancholy. It's a beautiful place to be. I am content with this quiet. Enjoying simple things like coffee from a friend, a hug from a student, the new green of the leaves.

Melancholy comes easily on rainy days.

Hot tea. Cozy blanket. A book with beautiful pictures.

Melancholy is a wide space that opens up in my heart allowing the spiritual an entrance.

Awe. Stillness. When I allow it, melancholy is cleansing.

It is being content in who I am, where I am, what I am.

It is being open to change. It is listening. It is looking beyond the surface.

Some days it rains.


KC said...

These words are so rich... so you... these rainy days are good for you - for your spirit - for you to lay down and let the rain wash over you. I love it when you write... and when you get wet. I am there with you catching the rain drops - even if only in my mind.

Anonymous said...

mmmm, lovely, I know what you mean