Sunday, April 4, 2010


I loved driving with the windows down, hair blowing in my face and the sun setting behind me. The perfect ending to a beautiful day! I spent last night at KC and Jerry's house. Enjoyed good family time. Riley slept with me last night and I was woken with a kiss and coffee this morning.
After KC and Jerry left for church, I continued painting a commission and somewhat watched The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. It seemed fitting to spend time with Aslan on Easter morning.....To be reminded again that he's not a very safe lion after all. . . To see him bring freedom and life to what was conquered and frozen. . . . To feel his breath, warm, moist and somehow comforting. . . To laugh in wonder at his creative power enabling his creation to do and become what they never could imagine.
Debra came over for brunch and patio time. We sat and talked, read, flipped through books and magazines, drank coffee, ate homemade apple pie and shared life with each other. And, yes, we even had a bit of church - just the four of us!
I am celebrating the color purple tonight. Debra gave KC and I each a purple flowering plant. It's so happy and full of blooms! The other day, I ran across this quote from Alice Walker about the color purple: "I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it." I want to stop and notice. To live aware. To live with wonder. To celebrate new life. This is resurrection!

1 comment:

KC said...

AH yes... it was a perfect Easter! Good words Lauren girl friend... thanks for sharing your heart. Always... i love you