Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dreaded ponderings

I want dreadlocks. They seem cool, artsy and out there. I think they might be an easier way to take care of my curls. And then last week, I highlighted my hair with pink. Bright pink. It felt odd to catch a glimpse of myself in mirrors. A few peopled looked at me for a second too long. And I wondered if it looked like I had gotten drunk on New Year's and ended up with pink hair. I dyed it back. And now I wonder how I would do with dreads. Do I just love the idea of them? Can I deal with the 'stress' of being different than the culture around me? Is my spirit strong enough to express myself through dreads? Am I gentle enough and patient enough to deal with the questions and the stares? Just thinking out loud.

1 comment:

Petra said...

Oh, I wish I had seen the pink highlights!!!

Oh, that whole "I wonder what others will think" thing - hard to break out of, isn't it? I remember not going to restaurants that served alcohol because people might think we were ordering it - a family of nine, bunch of lushes - I'm sure that's what the other patrons were thinking "Oh, that ginormous family in the culottes and hair to their waists... they are going to Chi-Chi's - I'll bet they're serving their kids Budweiser's." Comical now, not so much then when I wasn't allowed to go on a field trip with my 6th grade class because they were stopping for lunch at a place that also served beer. I mean, Good Lord! What would others have thought??? That the Christian school children might order alcohol???

Okay, I'm off on tangents now and I'm leaving you a million comments - I'll calm down now. haha! :)

But p.s. You should have left the pink AND add the dreads. I think it'll look awesome!!! :)