Monday, September 8, 2008


So, I've been thinking about this thing called relationship. How do you find them? Not necessarily the dating kind, just a friend. It almost seems as though I need to join a club of some sort to have an automatic "in" with a group of people. But then that doesn't automatically create relationship either. Consider church: similar to a club, group of people with common interests, participating in group activities, and still overflows with loneliness. I have spent the majority of my life in christian circles: schools, church, family and friends. I can count on one hand the number of people out of those groups I would consider to be real-honest-to-goodness-come-through-in-the-darkest-part-of-the-night kind of friends.
So, how do I find friends? Strike up random conversations in the grocery store? Look for a ministry of some kind? Hang out in a chat room?
I'm just talking out of the smallness of my relational circle. Musing.

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